Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Biological Explanations of Addiction Essay

The biological model of addiction’s basic premise is that addiction: is an illness; that it is irreversible; that you are either addicted or not (there are no slightly addicted individuals) and that treatment must be medical.  There are many models of biological addiction mainly because current psychological research suggests that different areas of the brain are involved in different addictions (quashing the idea of an addictive personality per say). In this essay two biochemical theories will be discussed, plus the genetic model. The latter theory should not be seen as distinct from the biochemical theories as biologists would propose that any biochemical abnormalities that may predispose an individual to addiction are probably inherited. Thus studies looking at concordance rates of addictions in families, twins and adopted children would support all three of the models being discussed. One of the most popular theories of addiction is to do with the neurotransmitter Dopamine. Dopamine is involved with our pleasure/reward system. Anything we do of our volition that is pleasurable increases Dopamine. It is the release of dopamine that makes us feel Euphoria/pleasure. Drugs such as Cocaine, Alcohol and Heroin make Dopamine receptors release enormous amounts of Dopamine, so the user may feel intense pleasure. This however, does not explain addiction as many people drink or recreationally use cocaine and don’t become addicts. The main idea of the theory is that individuals biologically susceptible to addiction have more sensitive Mesolimbic/ reward pathways in their brain, e.g. drugs may have a more profound (wow factor) on their Dopamine receptors. Another theory that may work alone or in conjunction with the Reward theory is that individuals with addictions may naturally produce low levels of Serotonin. Serotonin is thought to be a major factor in controlling our behaviour. So most of us can get drunk overeat etc but not repeat the behaviour compulsively. This is because our Serotonin levels are stable. It is thought that individuals with low levels may not be able to exercise control. There is support for this idea, e.g. low levels of serotonin are correlated with compulsive suicide, homicide, Bulimia and ADHD. Another suggestion has been that there is a genetic basis for developing an addiction. Although a specific gene has not been found, there is plenty of research that shows high levels of concordance between families who are addicted to: alcohol (Sarafino), Nicotine (Agrawal and Lynskey, Heroin (Devaux and Krebs) and Fowler (see Erika Cox book). However like all correlational studies this kind of research cannot imply cause. The concordance could be caused by environmental factors or social learning.  Additional support for the biochemical theories comes from MRI and PET scans, animal studies using agonists and antagonists and invasive brain techniques on animals, such as neuro toxins where Dopamine receptors are removed.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Accounting for Operational Activities: Illustrative Transactions and Financial Statements Answers

CHAPTER FIVE: COST ESTIMATION Introduction When managers make decisions they need to compare the costs (and benefits) among alternative actions. In this chapter, we discuss how to estimate the costs required for decision making (Lanen, 2008). Learning Objectives: According to Lanen (2008), after completing Chapter 5 you should: 1. Understand the reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs. 2. Estimate costs using engineering estimates. 3. Estimate costs using account analysis. 4. Estimate costs using statistical analysis. 5. Interpret the results of regression output. 6.Identify potential problems with regression data. 7. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimates. 8. (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. 9. (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon. Why Estimate Costs? Managers make decisions and need to compare costs and benefits among alternative actions. Good decision requ ires good information about costs, the better these estimates, the better the decision managers will make (Lanen, 2008).. Key Question What adds value to the firm? Read this  Financial StatementsGood decisions. You saw in Chapters 3 and 4 that good decisions require good information about costs. Cost estimates are important elements in helping managers make decisions that add value to the company (Lanen, 2008). Learning Objective One: Understand the reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs The reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs The basic idea in cost estimation is to estimate the relation between costs and the variables affecting costs, the cost drivers. We focus on the relation between costs and one important variable that affect them: activity (Lanen, 2008).Basic Cost Behavior Patterns By now you understand the importance of cost behavior. Cost behavior is the key distinction for decision making. Costs behave as either fixed or variable (Lanen, 2008). Fixed costs are fixed in total, variable costs vary in total. On a per-unit basis, fixed costs vary inversely with activity and variable costs stay the same. Are you gettin g the idea? Cost behavior is critical for decision making. The formula that we use to estimate costs is similar cost equation: Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of unitsT c = f + {v} x |With a change in Activity |In Total |Per Unit | |Fixed Cost |Fixed |Vary | |Variable |Vary |Fixed |What Methods are used to Estimate Cost Behavior? Three general methods used to estimate the relationship between cost behavior and activity levels that are commonly used in practice: Engineering estimates, Account analysis & Statistical methods (Such as regression analysis) (Lanen, 2008). Results are likely to differ from method to method. Consequently, it’s a good idea to use more than one method so that results can be compared. These methods, therefore, should be seen as ways to help management arrive at the best estimates possible.Their weakness and strengths require attention. Learning Objective Two: Estimate costs using engineering estimates. Engineering Estimates C ost estimates are based on measuring and then pricing the work involved in a task. This method based on detailed plans and is frequently used for large projects or new products. This method often omits inefficiencies, such as downtime for unscheduled maintenance, absenteeism and other miscellaneous random events that affect the entire firm (Lanen, 2008). Identify the activities involved Labor |Rent |Insurance |Time |Cost | Advantages of engineering estimates |Details each step required to perform an operation |Permits comparison of other centers with similar operations | |Identifies strengths and weaknesses. | | Disadvantages of engineering estimates 1. Can be quite expensive to use. Read also Recording General Fund Operating Budget and Operating TransactionsLearning Objective Three: Estimate costs using account analysis. Account Analysis Estimating costs using account analysis involves a review of each account making up the total costs being analyzed and identifying each cost as either fixed or variable, depending on the relation between the cost and some activity. Account analysis relies heavily on personal judgment. This method is often based on last period’s cost along and is subject to managers focusing on specific issues of the previous period even though these might be unusual and infrequent(Lanen, 2008) .Example: Account Analysis (Exhibit 5. 1) |3C Cost Estimation Using Account Analysis | |Costs for 360 Repair Hours | |Account |Total |Variable Cost |Fixed Cost | |Office Rent $3,375 |$1,375 |$2,000 | |Utilities |310 |100 |210 | |Administration |3,386 |186 |3,200 | |Supplies |2,276 |2,176 |100 | |Training |666 |316 |350 | |Other |613 |257 |356 | |Tot al |$10,626 |$4,410 |$6,216 | |Per Repair Hour |$12. 25 ($4,410 divided by 360 repair-hours) | 3C Cost Estimation Using Account Analysis (Costs at 360 Repair-Hours. A unit is a repair- hour) Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of unitsT c = f + {v} x |$10,626 = $6,216 + $12. 25 (360) |$10,626 = $6,216 + $$4,410 | Costs at 520 Repair-Hours Total costs = fixed costs + {variable cost per unit} number of units |Tc = $6,216 + {$12. 25} 520 |Total costs = $6,216 + $ $6,370 |$12,586 = $6,216 + $ $6,370 | Advantage of Account Analysis 1. Managers and accountants are familiar with company operations and the way costs react to changes in activity levels. Disadvantages of Account Analysis 1. Managers and accountants may be biased. 2.Decisions often have major economic consequences for managers and accountants. Learning Objective Four: Estimate costs using statistical analysis. The statistical analysis deals with both random and unusual events is to use several periods o f operation or several locations as the basis for estimating cost relations . We can do this by applying statistical theory, which allows for random events to be separated from the underlying relation between costs and activities. A statistical cost analysis analyzes costs within the relevant range using statistics. Do you remember how we defined relevant range? A relevant range is the range of activity where a cost estimate is valid.The relevant range for cost estimation is usually between the upper and lower limits of past activity levels for which data is available (Lanen, 2008). Example: Overhead Costs for 3C ( Exhibit 5. 2) The following information is used throughout this chapter: Here we have the overhead costs data for 3C for the last 15 months. Let’s use this data to estimate costs using a statistical analysis. |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours | |1 |$9,891 |248 |8 |$10,345 |344 | |2 $9,244 |248 |9 |$11,217 |448 | |3 |$13,200 | 480 |10 |$13,269 |544 | |4 |$10,555 |284 |11 |$10,830 |340 | |5 |$9,054 |200 |12 |$12,607 |412 | |6 |$10,662 |380 |13 |$10,871 |384 | |7 |$12,883 |568 |14 |$12,816 |404 | | | | |15 |$8,464 |212 | A. Scattergraph Plot of cost and activity levelsDoes it look like a relationship exists between repair-hours and overhead costs? We will start with a scatter graph. A scatter graph is a plot of cost and activity levels. This gives us a visual representation of costs. Does it look like a relationship exists between repair-hours and overhead cost? We use â€Å"eyeball judgment† to determine the intercept and slope of the line. Now we â€Å"eyeball† the scatter graph to determine the intercept and the slope of a line through the data points. Do you remember graphing our total cost in Chapter 3? Where the total cost line intercepts the horizontal or Y axis represents fixed cost. What we are saying is the intercept equals fixed costs. Also read Current Liabilities and Payroll AccountingThe slope of the line represents the variable cost per unit. So we use â€Å"eyeball judgment† to determine fixed cost and variable cost per unit to arrive at total cost for a given level of activity. As you can imagine, preparing an estimate on the basis of a scatter graph is subject to a high level of error. Consequently, scatter graphs are usually not used as the sole basis for cost estimates but to illustrate the relations between costs and activity and to point out any past data items that might be significantly out of line. B. High-Low Cost Estimation A method to estimate costs based on two cost observations, usually at the highest and lowest activity level.Although the high-low method allows a computation of estimates of the fixed and variable costs, it ignores most of the information available to the analyst. The high-low method uses two data points to estimate costs (Lanen, 2008). Another approach: Equations V = Cost at highest activity – Cost at lowest activity Highest activity – Lowest activity F = Total cost at highest activity level – V (Highest activity) Or F = Total cost at lowest activity level – V (Lowest activity) Let’s put the numbers in the equations | | | |V = $12,883 – $9,054 |V = $10. 0/RH | |568 – 200 | | F = Total cost at highest activity level – V (Highest activity) F = $12,883 – $10. 40 (568), F= $6,976 Or F = Total cost at lowest activity level – V (Lowest activity) F = $9,054 – $10. 40 (200) Rounding Difference C. Statistical Cost Estimation Using Regression Analysis Statistical procedure to determine the relationship between variables High-Low Method: Uses two data points. Regression analysis Regression is a statistical procedure that uses all the data points to estimate costs. [pic] Regression AnalysisRegression statistically measures the relationship between two variables, activities and costs. R egression techniques are designed to generate a line that best fits a set of data points. In addition, regression techniques generate information that helps a manager determine how well the estimated regression equation describes the relations between costs and activities (Lanen, 2008). We recommend that users of regression (1) fully understand the method and its limitations (2) specify the model, that is the hypothesized relation between costs and cost predictors (3) know the characteristics of the data being tested (4) examine a plot of the data .For 3C, repair-hours are the activities, the independent variable or predictor variable. In regression, the independent variable or predictor variable is identified as the X term. An overhead cost is the dependent variable or Y term. What we are saying is; overhead costs are dependent on repair-hours, or predicted by repair-hours. The Regression Equation |Y = a + bX |Y = Intercept + (Slope) X |OH = Fixed costs + (V) Repair-hours | You alr eady know that an estimate for the costs at any given activity level can be computed using the equation TC = F + VX. The regression equation, Y= a + bX represents the cost equation.Y equals the intercept plus the slope times the number of units. When estimating overhead costs for 3C, total overhead costs equals fixed costs plus the variable cost per unit of repair-hours times the number of repair-hours. We leave the description of the computational details and theory to computer and statistics course; we will focus on the use and interpretation of regression estimates. We describe the steps required to obtain regression estimates using Microsoft Excel in Appendix A to this chapter. Learning Objective Five: Interpret the results of regression output. Interpreting Regression [pic] Interpreting regression output allows us to estimate total overhead costs.The intercept of 6,472 is total fixed costs and the coefficient, 12. 52, is the variable cost per repair-hours. Correlation coefficie nt â€Å"R† measures the linear relationship between variables. The closer R is to 1. 0 the closer the points are to the regression line. The closer R is to zero, the poorer the regression line (Lanen, 2008). Coefficient of determination â€Å"R2† The square of the correlation coefficient. The proportion of the variation in the dependent variable (Y) explained by the independent variable(s)(X). T-Statistic The t-statistic is the value of the estimated coefficient, b, divided by its standard error. Generally, if it is over 2, then it is considered significant.If significant, the cost is NOT totally fixed. The significant level of the t-statistics is called the p-value. Continuing to interpret the regression output, the Multiple R is called the correlation coefficient and measures the linear relationship between the independent and dependent variables. R Square, the square of the correlation cost efficient, determines and identifies the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable, in this case, overhead costs, that is explained by the independent variable, in this case, repair-hours. The Multiple R, the correlation coefficient, of . 91 tells us that a linear relationship does exist between repair-hours and overhead costs.The R Square, or coefficient of determination, tells us that 82. 8% of the changes in overhead costs can be explained by changes in repair-hours. Can you use this regression output to estimate overhead costs for 3C at 520 repair-hours? Multiple Regressions Multiple regressions are used when more than one predictor (x) is needed to adequately predict the value (Lanen, 2008). For example, it might lead to more precise results if 3C uses both repair hours and the cost of parts in order to predict the total cost. Let’s look at this example. |Predictors: |X1: Repair-hours |X2: Parts Cost | 3C Cost Information | |Month |Overhead Costs |Repair-Hours ( X1) |Parts ( X2) | |1 |$9,891 |248 |$1,065 | |2 |$9,244 |248 |$1,452 | |3 |$13,200 |480 |$3,500 | |4 |$10,555 |284 |$1,568 | |5 |$9,054 |200 |$1,544 | |6 |$10,662 |380 |$1,222 | |7 |$12,883 |568 |$2,986 | |8 |$10,345 |344 |$1,841 | |9 |$11,217 |448 |$1,654 | |10 |$13,269 |544 |$2,100 | |11 |$10,830 |340 |$1,245 | |12 |$12,607 |412 |$2,700 | |13 |$10,871 |384 |$2,200 | |14 |$12,816 |404 |$3,110 | |15 |$8,464 |212 |$ 752 | In multiple regressions, the Adjusted R Square is the correlation coefficient squared and adjusted for the number of independent variables used to make the estimate. Reading this output tells us that 89% of the changes in overhead costs can be explained by changes in repair-hours and the cost of parts. Remember 82. % of the changes in overhead costs were explained when one independent variable, repair-hours, was used to estimate the costs. Can you use this regression output to estimate overhead costs for 520 repair-hours and $3,500 cost of parts? Learning Objective Six: Identify potential problems with regression data. Implementation P roblems It’s easy to be over confident when interpreting regression output. It all looks so official. But beware of some potential problems with regression data. We already discussed in earlier chapters that costs are curvilinear and cost estimations are only valid within the relevant range. Data may also include outliers and the relationships may be spurious. Let’s talk a bit about each. Curvilinear costs |Outliers |Spurious relations |Assumptions | 1. Curvilinear costs Problem: Attempting to fit a linear model to nonlinear data. Likely to occur near full-capacity. Solution: Define a more limited relevant range (example: from 25 – 75% capacity) or design a nonlinear model. If the cost function is curvilinear, then a linear model contains weaknesses. This generally occurs when the firm is at or near capacity. The leaner cost estimate understates the slope of the cost line in the ranges close capacity. This situation is shown in exhibit 5. 5. 2. Outliers Problem: Outlier moves the regression line.Solution: Prepare a scatter-graph, analyze the graph and eliminate highly unusual observations before running the regression. Because regression calculates the line that best fits the data points, observations that lie a significant distance away from the line could have an overwhelming effect on the regression estimate. Here we see the effect of one significant outlier. The computed regression line is a substantial distance from most of the points. The outlier moves the regression line. Please refer exhibit 5. 6. 3. Spurious or false relations Problem: Using too many variables in the regression. For example, using direct labor to explain materials costs.Although the association is very high, actually both are driven by output. Solution: Carefully analyze each variable and determine the relationship among all elements before using in the regression. 4. Assumptions Problem: If the assumptions in the regression are not satisfied then the regression i s not reliable. Solution: No clear solution. Limit time to help assure costs behavior remains constant, yet this causes the model to be weaker due to less data. Learning Objective Seven: Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimation methods. Statistical Cost Estimation Advantages 1. Reliance on historical data is relatively inexpensive. 2.Computational tools allow for more data to be used than for non-statistical methods. Disadvantages 1. Reliance on historical data may be the only readily available, cost-effective basis for estimating costs. 2. Analysts must be alert to cost-activity changes. Choosing an Estimation Method Each cost estimation method can yield a different estimate of the costs that are likely to result from a particular management decision. This underscores the advantage of using more than one method to arrive at a final estimate. Which method is the best? Management must weigh the cost-benefit related to each method (Lanen, 2008). Estimat ed manufacturing overhead with 520 repair-hours and $3,500 parts costs *.The more sophisticated methods yield more accurate cost estimates than the simple methods. |Account Analysis = $12,586 |High-Low = $12,384 |Regression= $12,982 |Multiple Regression= $13,588* | Data Problems Missing data Outliers Allocated and discretionary costs Inflation Mismatched time periods No matter what method is used to estimate costs, the results are only as good as the data used. Collecting appropriate data is complicated by missing data, outliers, allocated and discretionary costs, inflation and mismatched time periods. Learning Objective Eight: (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. Appendix A: Microsoft as a ToolMany software programs exist to aid in performing regression analysis. In order to use Microsoft Excel, the Analysis Tool Pak must be installed. There are software packages that allow users to easily generate a regression analysis. The analyst must be well school ed in regression in order to determine the meaning of the output! Learning Objective Nine: (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon. Learning Phenomenon Leaning phenomenon refers to the systematic relationship between the amount of experience in performing a task and the time required to perform it. The learning phenomenon means that the variable costs tend to decrease per unit as the volume increase. Example: | |Unit |Time to Produce |Calculation of Time | |First Unit |100 hours |(assumed) | |Second Unit |80 hours |(80 percent x 100 hours | |Fourth Unit |64 hours |(80 percent x 80 hours | |Eighth Unit |51. hours |(80 percent x 64 hours | |Impact: Causes the unit price to decrease as production increases. This implies a nonlinear model. | Another element that can change the shape of the total cost curve is the notion of a learning phenomenon. As workers become more skilled they are able to produce more output per hour. This will impact the total cost curve since it leads to a lower per unit cost, the higher the output. Chapter 5: END!! COURSE WORK EXERCISE 5-25 – A& B PROBLEM 5-47 -A& B REFERENCES Lanen , N. W. , Anderson ,W. Sh. & Maher ,W. M. ( 2008). Fundamentals of cost accounting. New York : McGraw-Hill Irwin. [pic]

Monday, July 29, 2019

Perception Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Perception - Essay Example My father placed the sole blame on me for the situation without considering that there might be external factors at play. His error was that he assumed that I had no good reason for driving fast and he did not understand the situation fully. My father believed that that the accident was a result of my nature as a reckless driver. Due to my active participation in previous classes, I am stereotyped as a very studious person who spends hours studying for courses. It stems from the typical thinking that any person, who takes an interest in their course work and does well, spends day and night pouring over books. I am also a very social person and talk to a lot of different people, so people generally stereotype me as a very outgoing person who spends his nights out partying in clubs with a big group of friends. The only part that is true about those stereotypes is that I do study hard for my courses but I do not spend hours poring over books. I believe in studying smart rather than studying for hours and hours. I am a socially active person but I am not very outgoing and do not spend my nights out partying. I prefer small gatherings and outings with close friends. After analyzing those stereotypes, I think that a few of my friends and acquaintances become biased in their subject of conversation with me. After assuming that I love partying late, they often invite me to go out with them to late running parties. People perceive me to be a social and outgoing guy whose life is in complete order and nothing is out of place. I don’t let my issues or problems show or come up too frequently which had led many people to believe that I am a well-adjusted person. I do have control over this perception and I believe if I open up a little more to people, the perception might change. My past experiences have taught me that people see what they want to see in a person and their perceptive filters are slanted towards what they want to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discussion Board 1 AC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 1 AC - Essay Example His blue mood is calm and simple, he wants to learn some answers on the eternal question of life and death. And he seems to understand something in the land of Kiowa. The author emphasizes the fact that his grandmother spent a great deal of time praying, trying to understand her meaning in life. Momaday does not mention his addressing to God, however, his desire to learn more about the land and the people which lived there is also a quest or a prayer. Narrative is aimed to describe and to connect some past events, make them real for listeners or readers. Our life can also be regarded as narrative because it appears as the stories that we tell each other. Learning about his grandmother and her people the author creates narrative which helps him bring to life these people from nowhere. Narrative, however, is most often symbolic meaning that it has sense for the author only. But in this case Momaday express his gratification and respect to his

Saturday, July 27, 2019


IS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS RESEARCH SCIENTIFIC AND OBJECTIVEEXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER - Essay Example Moreover, the ongoing debate regarding the true nature of IR research will be discussed, as well as the theoretical formulation of positivism in international affairs. Scientific method implies constructing theories explicitly, obtaining sensibly consistent propositions from those theories, and methodically verifying those propositions through controlled assessments of cases. Hence, the scientific paradigm is concerned with identifying underlying or causal descriptions and with determining how well the recommended causal description forecasts trends across studies (Boucher 1998). Most fundamental attributes of the scientific approach, evidently, are not dissimilar in the field of social sciences from other disciplines, even though laboratory or controlled experiments are evidently awkward in social research (Crawford 2000). There is certainly nothing about in research in international relations that renders it oddly incompatible with scientific method (Navari 2000). Scientific approach obliges merely a few critical requirements on IR research. Nevertheless, researches in international affairs that are relatively founded on the scientific approach progress from a diversity of theoretical and substantive frameworks. The most recognised, numerous would argue only justifiable, challenger for the position of science and objectivity in IR is positivism, relating the conditions of knowledge directly to method, verifiability, and generality (Woods 1996). In a paradoxical distortion of the conservative positivist scorn for the simply analytic explanations of the political principle they aim to surpass, IR attains it scientific qualities more by characterisation than by demonstration. If the discipline keeps any apparent functionality it is a capability in explaining and sharpening the assumptions of positivist science (Cassels 1996). International relations research

Management(various non-typical intangible assets which can help a Essay

Management(various non-typical intangible assets which can help a manager) - Essay Example It can be noticed that intangible assets of an organization are not things which can be acquired or bought but are rather developed. These are a set of instructions, knowledge etc which along with the tangible assets of the organization, help in running the organization and completing day to day activities. Intangible assets bring a new configuration of the things making it more valuable and accessible. Apart from all the above mentioned intangible resources this paper will discuss managerial intangible resources which a manager draws upon to fulfil his role. This paper discusses and evaluated how intangible resources can be used to legitimise management authority in organizations. In order to do so, the paper describes what intangible assets are and what management is. Later, it discusses what is meant by management and what the connection between management authority and intangible assets is. Management is an art. It is an art of planning, organizing, directing and monitoring. It is an art of managing people. It is also science. Science is how you mange to do all this. It can also be said as an act of directing, controlling, coordinating and harmonizing people towards the accomplishment of a goal. It also comprises of deployment and proper use of human resources, technological resources and financial resources. Those people or groups of people who manage these things are the management. In the late seventies an... Science is how you mange to do all this. It can also be said as an act of directing, controlling, coordinating and harmonizing people towards the accomplishment of a goal. It also comprises of deployment and proper use of human resources, technological resources and financial resources. Those people or groups of people who manage these things are the management. In the late seventies and eighties management was considered as an engineering. Any company was considered as a machine, the managers were the operators and the workers, merely pawns. Today management has a whole new concept (McCrimmon: 2007, n.p). The efficiency in the workers reflects the efficiency of the manager. If the manager is incompetent then the efficiency of the workers does not change, rather in some cases it goes down. Managers take responsibility of what they do. They are creative and analyzing. Managers discover what is unique about a person and then use his unique quality to achieve their goals. The job of a manager is to achieve performance using a person's talent (Buckingham, n.p. 2005). However, in order for the manager to do his job, it is very important for him to have some authority over his employees. This authority is not only given to him by the higher management when he is hired, he also makes use of intangible assets and resources to legitimise this authori ty such as skills and knowledge. A manager has a bird's eye view of the entire system and the entire organization. He is the one who makes use of this knowledge and expertise to not only take strategic decisions, but also prove that he is capable for this position (Buckingham, n.p. 2005). An important part of intangible assets which a manger makes use of is leadership qualities which help him legitimise authority in

Friday, July 26, 2019

Popol Vuh Creation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Popol Vuh Creation - Essay Example Therefore, they are capable of manipulating their fellow beings in such a way to fulfil their goals apparent in the way some have to exterminate others to dominate. These comprise animals relied on by man for various specific purposes not only in Mayan society, for instance birds. In this context, the grandmother utilizes them to obtain certain messages, which is also evident with the twins. Maintaining unity irrespective of people’s individual capabilities they are capable of overcoming what they may be hindering them. This is evident in this case whereby the twins are capable of facing courageously evil traps and eventually emerge triumphantly. In each situation one ought to find a way to emerge victoriously especially when challenges may jeopardize one’s life, reputation or dignity. However, one should not use trickery to harm others but to evade the challenges evident in the way twins evade grandmother’s humiliations besides others once they climb the tree. The account’s core message encompasses how one can live well with the knowledge such that he or she prevails not by a person’s strength but through wisdom. Hence, it calls upon the Mayan society not only rely on their physical energy or other dubious means instead of engaging their rational thinking first. The account’s narration reserves high positions in the society for gods and other people who due to their wit manage to use other for their advantage. In terms of agriculture and religion, it emphasizes on gods by appeasing in terms of calling them being able to yield to ordinary people’s demands. Consequently, this grants them what they especially rain and other essential aspects meant to aid them have high

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Juvenille Diabetes Research foundation describe how it helps the Essay

Juvenille Diabetes Research foundation describe how it helps the community - Essay Example JDRF facilitates research to identify ways to gain maximum results with least inconvenience to the individuals suffering from diabetes. A lot of children as well as adults in our country are suffering from obesity. To make it worse, obesity comes with numerous side-effects including high blood pressure and diabetes. Research conducted by JDRF tends to find cure for such diseases as diabetes and high blood pressure. â€Å"JDRF is committed to improving the lives of the type 1 diabetes community by keeping you informed about the latest developments in type 1 diabetes research and by providing a range of support services to help you from initial diagnosis through to managing life with type 1 diabetes† (JDRF b). Thus, JDRF not only targets the direct effects of obesity like individual’s looks, consciousness and self-perceptions but also the symptoms and health conditions indirectly associated with obesity. I place so much confidence in JDRF because it has made a lot of diff erence in the life of my own younger sister, Maria. When Maria was 5 years old, she was diagnosed with obesity by JDRF. We thought she had just put on a few extra pounds that would be gone with a little bit of dieting. It was not until JDRF confirmed she was obese that we stopped thinking she was just overweight. To our surprise, JDRF took Maria’s tests and informed us that she was having type 1 diabetes. We could not imagine a girl as young as 5 years old would be having diabetes! Since I am emotionally too attached to Maria, this came to me as nothing less than a shock. Back then, I couldn’t imagine how awful life would be if I had to live without sugar. JDRF proposed that we took immediate measures to alter Maria’s eating habits and walkout patterns in order to do our bit to make her future secure. Mom, dad and I decided that if Maria was not going to consume sugar, so would be we! Now that about 8 years have passed since then, everything has changed for the better. What came as a shock to all of us 8 years back proved to be a forewarning with the passage of time! When JDRF diagnosed Maria with those diseases, they not only tested Dad, Mom and me for the same health hazards, but also took notes about what we ate, how often we ate, when we ate and why we ate whatever we did. They informed us that they would use that information for research purposes. We assisted them in all ways we could because it felt like a way to do our little bit in the well-being of the whole society through JDRF. At the time when Maria was diagnosed with obesity and type 1 diabetes, mama and I were also overweight. JDRF told us that we were quite likely to become obese within few years from then if we continued with the same dietary and exercise habits. For about 8 years since then, Maria, mom, dad and I have had no chocolates, no carbonated drinks, no deep fried foods, no Big Macs and no junk food. Since the time we consulted JDRF, we have placed full emphasis of living upon fresh foods and vegetables. We have been going for a walk every morning and it has become a very important part of out everyday life, and we did gain positive results! Maria has recently tested negative for type 1 diabetes. All of us are in perfect shape. Today, when I look myself into the mirror, I become overwhelmed to see how nice I look and much of this is due to my smartness. We are grateful to JDRF that they informed us about the potential risks just in time so that we were able to take

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ismg Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ismg - Essay Example itute (2009), globalization as â€Å"a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology.† This means that companies and institutions cannot benefit from global trade and for that matter globalization in the absence of technology and technology tools. To this effect, any company that wishes to benefit from the new trend of globalization must make technology a central part of its operations. With well harnessed information technology system, investors and entrepreneurs will not have to travel from one place to the other in person before they can reach the outside market. The information technology department of Richter therefore has a lot of role to play when it comes to the information technology system of the company. In the words of Salaam (2011), â€Å"information technology is the use of computers and networks to store, process, and receive data.† Richter can however put itself in the challenge to move the benefits of information technology beyond the storage and retrieval of data into an era when the entire development and expansion of the company shall be dependent on information technology. In this essay therefore, the measures that need to be put in place to make Richter appreciate information technology as a whole management procedure shall be discussed. Information technology system at Richter can be described in two major ways. These are As-was and As-Is. These two terms refer to the company’s previous information technology system and its present information technology system. Indeed, in the years before 1992, the as-was system of information technology existed. In this timeframe, there was a disorganized information technology system. This disorganization can be attributed to a number of factors. First, there was no stipulated department that catered for information technology in the company. Indeed,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Amazon(e-commerce site) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Amazon(e-commerce site) - Essay Example The question of privacy involves the collection of personal details about individuals as well as their financial details ( Customers provide this information for a particular transaction and may not necessarily authorize its transmission to other unauthorized persons. This raises the issue of maintaining the privacy of the data as well as its confidentiality, i.e., not allowing it to be accessed by unauthorized persons. Secure sites could also be compromised in some instances (Feinberg, 2006), so that personal data that is split into units and transmitted across the electronic waves may sill be accessed. The integrity of the data provided is then compromised and the disparate bits of information brought together into a coherent whole can be accessed by unauthorized persons if they gain access to the secure sites. 2. There are three basic sub-categories that can be identified under internal threats: (a) existing employees (b) former employees and (c) employees of third parties.(De Guzman, 2006). Existing employees who have access to confidential information may be of two types (a) malicious – or those employees who have some grudge against the Company and thereby compromise data security to achieve their own ends and (b) accidental – existing employees, who because of their lack of training, or because they fail to follow the correct procedures may engage in acts that compromise the security of data existing on these sites. DeGuzman (2006) has provided several examples of how such data exposure can take place, such as the incident of an employee who accidentally erased a disk containing sensitive information about consumers. Thirdly, compromising of data may also occur through employees of third parties. Since the global environment is becoming more intense and competitive, many companies are resorting to using third parties and outsourcing their functions to these third

Monday, July 22, 2019

War and the Soul Essay Example for Free

War and the Soul Essay Today, the depiction of war is becoming more vivid and realistic. Audiences are more critical of how a move catches the actual events that transpired and of how they can relate to the emotions in the movie. The movies â€Å"Saving Private Ryan† and â€Å"We Were Soldiers† are two of the most popular modern day films with the subject of two different wars, World War II and Vietnam War respectively. They have similarities in many aspects However, they have even more differences. They have completely different themes, and completely different objectives. This paper explores on how these two films are alike and how they differ. When Duty Calls: A Comparative Film Review There has been much development in the movie industry since the onset of computer graphic imaging. This technology has enabled producers to depict subjects that were considered impossible. Today, humans are capable of transcending limitations on time and cultural differences. They can reenact historical events, reconstruct buildings, and recreate natural sceneries. Equipped with a blue screen, computers, and actors, an entire war can commence right before an audience. With both simple and complicated movie techniques, anything is accomplished. The movies â€Å"Saving Private Ryan† and â€Å"We Were Soldiers† share a common subject – and this is war. This topic has interested the curiosity of millions of viewers since time immemorial, as those who have witnessed it want to confirm the events and those who did not wish to learn the events. Both tackled common themes and presented different angles of a war. They share many similarities and possess many differences. But there is one significant aspect that both these movies have successfully translated. This is the price that war claims to those it chooses to affect (Spielberg, 1998; Wallace, 2002). Both stories of these masterpieces were derived from two of the most engaging events in the history of mankind. Saving Private Ryan was based on the life of a real individual named Sergeant Frederick Niland, a United States paratrooper sent to France on D-Day. We Were Soldiers, on the other hand, is a version of the book written by Lieutenant Colonel Harold G. Moore and Joseph L. Galloway about the military engagement in the la Drang Valley in 1965. Both contained fictional characters and modified events, but little truths must be altered in order for the actual truth to emerge (Spielberg, 1998; Wallace, 2002). Saving Private is neither a biopic nor a tale of heroism. Its story is a protest against the wraths of war and how humans condemn it. It has clear anti-war sentiments, as characters struggled through the horrors of war and suffered both insanity and distraught. The D-Day amphibious invasion at Normandy was an excellent prologue to the film. It had brutal depictions on the consequences of being a soldier, on the gruesome reality of battles, and the uncertainty of life. It is a story of comradeship, of realization of fears, and living an inch away from death (Spielberg, 1998; Wallace, 2002). In addition, We Were Soldiers is a film that shares absence of political themes of war. The primary objective of both movies is to relay to the audiences the lives of soldiers as soldiers, who are entities that can be separated from the entire picture of military and political debate. They are men who chose to be in the line of duty and take arms in order to fight for what they believe is righteous. But We Were Soldiers portrayed a relatively more intimate aspect, the scenario of the soldiers’ relationships with those they left at home. It prudently conveyed the lives that soldiers have before they leave for an assignment and after they have accomplished their missions (Spielberg, 1998; Wallace, 2002). In the sequence where Mel Gibson with Madeline Stowe and Chris Klein with Keri Russell were spending their last night together prior the soldiers’ departure for war, the intense emotions were effectively depicted. It relayed the fear being contained when lovers are being parted without any assurance of reunification. It is a scene where there is pain because of the uncertain. Another important aspect of war that this movie portrayed was not only the lives of men in the battle zones, but also those of their families awaiting their return. In the scene where the women would gather together and watch television for updates, one would feel the intensity of fear that these women are trying to suppress within. They would not want to cry until they hear something concrete, but just the prospect of losing their husbands is cruel. Every knock on their door was a possibility of the word that they have lost their beloved men (Spielberg, 1998; Wallace, 2002). Both movies focused on a hero, an officer of a military unit. Tom Hanks was the captain in charge of a platoon assigned to search for Private James Ryan while Mel Gibson was also the captain leading his men through Vietnamese jungles. In Saving Private Ryan, heroism is to fulfill one’s duty, regardless of its nature. As long as it contributes to the efforts of war, and that it is a soldier’s mission, then one is to be considered a genuine soldier. In We Were Soldiers, heroism is making a decision, although detrimental for a certain number of people but crucial for the entire outcome of the war. Saving Private Ryan was not a film about a country’s victory or defeat. It is a story of personal victory in one’s struggle to maintain his conviction amidst a world gone half mad. We Were Soldiers, in contrast, is about how a military unit lost a critical battle and most of the men involved (Spielberg, 1998; Wallace, 2002). Both shaped the American understanding of the realities of war. Because of these movies, the public has learned to further their appreciation of the sacrifices that men in uniform give in order for peace to prevail. The price is clear, their lives and the structure of their families are put in the line of fire each time they board the helicopters or boats in order to fight in the beaches or jungles. Both movies gave significance to the human side of war, concentrating on the people that comprise a war and how a war shaped these people (Spielberg, 1998; Wallace, 2002). References Spielberg, S. (Director). (1998). Saving Private Ryan. [Motion Picture]. United States: Amblin Entertainment. Wallace, R. (Director). (2002). We Were Soldiers. [Motion Picture]. United States: Icon

Top 10 Issues in America Essay Example for Free

Top 10 Issues in America Essay One issue where the stakes are simply too high to ignore China is rising. America should look for cooperative mechanisms to advance its goals where possible but continue to press bilaterally with China and better deploy regional and international mechanisms where necessary. To be above china again America needs to restore financial stability. With U.S. financial troubles at the center of the current global vortex, the U.S. has important obligations to strengthen the global financial system, including by enhancing financial regulation and diminishing reliance on foreign credit. Our health care needs to have some sort of ability so that every American citizen can have affordable health care. Each and every citizen has the right to be helped if they are medically in trouble and fighting for there life so we should be able to help everyone in America. Another issue that America our National Security which deals with a lot of gun violence. Many guns are being sold illegally everyday on the streets. American citizens in some places cant walk down there streets or go to school without being worried about being shot to death. The gun shootings show that a lot of people do not care about our world until it is there issue. An issue that many seem to now care about is pollution. We the citizens of America are the ones creating the issue of pollution but why do many not care. Another problem that America has is immigration. We are having a lot of people try and illegally come live here and work here which is making a lot of our citizens not able to get a job. Immigration can also lead us to the issue of over population. We as a country are over populated. This issue makes it harder for a lot of people to get jobs to be financially stable. Also creates a low amount of space in where we can fit more homes. America likes to spend a lot of there time watching what the media has to say. Media is wrecking our society by giving people images of what we should look like and what we should be which is destroying many individuals. Also the only thing that media likes to show us on the news is all the bad stuff that goes on in the world. We need to start showing more positive views of who we are rather than another person being shot for no apparent reason. I also think that because of media a lot of Americans are not exercising properly leading to the issue of obesity. This big issue in America a lot of our citizens are over weight. A way this issue is somewhat being fixed is in New York they banned large bottled soda. America has a lot of issues that all seem to somehow tie together. I feel that if we start demolishing some of the issues we have that sooner or later the other issues that tag along with the main issue with disappear. So as one American Citizen to another wouldnt it be better to start tackling the issue today as opposed to tomorrow? Five Most Important Rights to American Citizens Five Most Important Responsibilities of the American Citizen

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History Of The Indus Motor Company Commerce Essay

History Of The Indus Motor Company Commerce Essay The assignment has been worked to look into the chosen organisation with regards to its environment effect on Indus Motors for achieving its objective in the diverse industries culture where the organization is based. Indus motor company is a joint venture between Toyota motor corporation, house of habib and Toyota tsusho corporation Japan, for manufacturing, assembling and marketing Toyota vehicles in Pakistan and the neighboring countries since late 80s. The dealership network the IMC has established is the only one which distributes Toyota and Daihatsu vehicles in the country. It was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company at commencing stage where as the commercial production took place in 1993 may, the stock exchange of Pakistan quotes the shares of the company Toyota motor corporation and Toyota tsusho corporation possess twenty five percent of the equity, house of habib own the majority shares in the organisation. The production facilities are located in the industrial area near Karachi called Port Qasim of around 100 acres. The current social, economic changes and their impact on Indus Motors Company Ltd A social change refers to the regulation of values, norms and customs of society. As IMC does believe in the customer satisfaction so they try to manufacture the product according to the need of customers. Their targeted market belongs to the upper class of the society. They think that the upper class people perceive the GLI as their status value. IMC believes that people are becoming more price conscious along with the need of car that consume low amount of fuel with high mileage coverage. The other social factors that is impacting a lot is the literacy rate of people is growing due to which people are becoming more quality conscious along with the price consciousness so that IMC is concentrating to improve its quality along with the diminish in the price. Some economics forces are also impacting the current scenario of IMC like as the inflation is increasing day by day the input cost of assembling cars in IMC is also increasing due to the import of CKD unit from Japan. It results in diminish the purchasing power of the people that affect their buying behavior. Due to taxation policy the Honda have the competitive advantage over IMC as it has given tax exemption till 1998 to its customers. Diverse approaches to strategy-making concepts of strategic change, search, choice and implementation Economic and management viewpoint on organization tactic can and should be incorporated. The intermediation hypothesis of the firm and models of market micro structure provide a basis for advancing the integration of management and economics perspectives. In particular, the theory allows for a combination of economic approaches work on competitive strategy with management approaches such as work on the abilities and resources of the organization. The article presents a combined strategy framework based on transaction costs and the intermediation theory of the firm. The impact of globalization on employment markets and practices The recent wave of mergers and acquisitions in the automotive assembly industry itself has triggered a similar round of merger mania in the auto parts segment. One of the more significant developments of recent years has been the transformation of the auto parts business into a separate industry in its own right. One of the more significant developments of recent years has been the transformation of the auto parts business into a separate industry in its own right. Even as the automobile business grows, it is also becoming more competitive. Currently, there is worldwide overcapacity in the industryand this has forced manufacturers to contain and even reduce costs. In the United States, for instance, the average monthly vehicle payment as a percentage of household income has dropped from 12.5 percent in 1980 to only 7.5 percent todaya 40 percent decrease. Emergent theories of corporate strategy and their relevance to IMC In the year 2000, Toyota rolled out its multi purpose vehicle (MUV) Qualis in India that was an instant success. Gradually It introduced Camry, Corolla and later in 2005, Innova. All these models created success saga for Toyota Kirloskar. Notwithstanding of its initial success, Toyota could manage to have meager 5% market share in Indian passenger car market that remained far away from its mission statement to grab 10% market share in Indian passenger car market by 2010. Analysts predicted that unless Toyota would enter into compact car segment, it would unlikely to have that much market share. SWOT, PEST and PESTEL tools and change management to different organizations development and their potential impact on the strategic business THREATS The government tax policies are threat to Indus motors. They have to pay 35% import duty on CKD kits that is imported from Japan. Honda motors are subscribed by 5% tax while Toyota has to pay 30% on its earnings. The major part of diminishing of the production and demand of the products is also due to the law and order situation. Political instability also affects the whole scenario of the automobile industry due to the inconsistency of tax and import duties. The substitute products of the Toyota products like Suzuki are also a big threat to the organization, as the demand for low price vehicles is increasing day by day so that the demand for Suzuki products are becoming more market oriented than Toyota. Due to the inflation and fluctuation in exchange rate also considered as the major threat for diminishing the demand for the companys products. The stern competitions in the higher sector market are also a threat to Indus Motors. OPPORTUNITIES As the political condition of Afghanistan is becoming more stable and the completion of motorways and expansion in the road networks is gaining the high impact on people so that the consumption of commercial vehicles is growing day by day that will lead to an inevitable growth in the transport sector. There is also a chance to expand market of Toyota Hilux in Nepal and Bhutan. According to sources from Indus Motor, if engineering board of Pakistan makes the industry specific deletion policy this will provide an opportunity for the development of vendor industry. WEAKNESSES Indus motor has not yet achieved appropriate economies of scale as compared to its competitors. Indus Motor and Honda Atlas motors are producing the same no of vehicles but Indus Motor gain huge cost. For Indus CKD kits account for 75% of their total Manufacturing cost, where as for Honda CKD kit account for 65% CKD kits cost for Indus is on the average about 25% higher than its competitor Honda Atlas. It is obvious that Indus is producing 5000 vehicles at higher cost as compared to its competitors. Indus Motor Company is producing so much lower units than its capacity as it has the total capacity of 20000 units, but at present they are producing around 5000 units. It means that they are not amortizing their fixed cost in best way. Their dealership network is weak, as they do not own this dealership network. STRENGTHS Its strengths are its location, its latest technology that is considered as no.3 in Asia. As far as its image is concerned in the market it is considered as the market leader within the industry because of its quality, brand loyalty and household product. Its capacity is also its strength that is currently about 20000 units per anum but it can be expanded up to 40000 units per year. Indus Motor Company has a extensive product range, which includes 20 vehicles. Which satisfy each and every segment of market. Its efficient and well-trained labor is also its big strength. Genuine spare parts can be easily available in the market and the resale value of Toyota also considered as its strength. Creative Suggestion System is also strength. New technologies and their impacts on people and process of IMC The kind of technology employed by an organization gives an important edge in terms of quality. Technology is of two types: labor intensive and capital intensive (state-of-the-art technology, for example). In case of Indus Motors, the company has installed capital-intensive technology. They are using conveyer belts to transfer a car during assembling from are station to another station. They have heat exchanger, spray booth, drying tower, etc. For measuring and checking of locally manufactured parts in order to maintain quality standard and to assist vendors in product development, a state-of-the-art Quadrant Measuring Machine was installed in 1997. In 1996, the company acquired new computer technology for the implementation of software and its applications, which provides a centralized database support integration between Manufacturing and Financial systems, and is assisting the company in providing meaningful data in time for management decision making. The impact on the business strategy of the external business environment Because of the continuous change in environment, there is an element of uncertainty in the environment. The environment has become highly complex and dynamic. Keeping this thing in mind, a company must look for a strategic fit between what the environment wants and what the company has to offer, as well as between what the company needs and what the environment can provide. Thats why before an organization begins to formulate strategy, the management must screen the environment and identify external environmental factors, which affect the organization. Importance of customer driven strategies in developing and implementing a successful business strategy Product which company offers is also resource of company. Larger the product mix, greater will be return on sale of product. Indus Motors company has analyzed needs and wants if its customer and has made available a broad product range to suit their need. All the cars in its product range are a beautiful brand of style, economy and technology. Now they are going to increase its product range by introducing Daihatsu Coure in year 2000 that also possess all the qualities, which its all the cars have. The Toyota has entered in the maturity stage of product life cycle and its market share has shrunk from 60% to 41%, but in spite of all this, Toyota is still enjoying brand loyalty and higher returns. This is obvious from the tact that company has earned its. 271.70 million pre-tax profits for the year 1998, and it announce to pay 15% dividend to the shareholders of the Company. The importance of management and leadership in developing and implementing business strategy Every successful business requires effective leadership to fully utilise the skills of staff in order to achieve the aims of the business. This isnt just a matter for larger businesses even if you only employ one or two people you still need to make sure that you make the most of their abilities and aptitudes. This requires a distinct set of management skills and the confidence to carry them out. You have to be able to motivate and develop your team, to communicate well with them and to build a business strategy that allows each individual to perform to the best of their abilities. Use of strategic alliances and joint ventures, and alternative routes to survive, prosper and avoid failure A strategic alliance, broadly defined, is a contractual agreement among firms to cooperate to obtain an objective without regard to the legal or organizational form the alliance takes. The aim of joint venture is progressive manufacture of Toyota vehicles and components parts with an initial annual capacity of 20,000 units expandable to 40000 units or more to meet the requirements and quality standard of the automotive industry for tile Twenty-first Century. Appraise processes by which organizations identify their goals and values Employee involvement can supplement strong corporate cultures to develop innovative organizations. Executives from forty successful companies responded to interviews on the organizations values and involvement practices. Structural equation analysis indicate that effective involvement measured by the use of employee problem solving groups, cooperative interaction, and employee influence was a critical mediating mechanism between people-oriented values and firm performance. These results suggest the complex challenge of developing a successful organization and guides for making an organization both value-driven and productive. Current and likely future demographic trends in the UK and internationally Toyota forcefully long-drawn-out manufacture ability over the history decade well in front of predictable order. Profits on export vehicles finished in Japan have as well be hit by a intensification Japanese yen. Toyota has a near chokehold on the US cross/low-emissions car sell thanks to the redesigned Prius. As the American Big Three thrash regarding to convene the 35-mpg authorization by 2020, Toyota has a beginning start. In late 2009 and early on 2010, on the other hand, Toyota initiate two disconnect but associated recall to a number of vehicle types together with the 2010 Prius that were single-minded by the U.S. general Highway travel protection direction as experience broken down speeding up. The succeeding bring to mind on January 21, 2010 unwavering that the beforehand assumed drivers floor mat issue was not to be answerable; somewhat, a more grave issue concerning the sticking accelerator pedal was at cause. as a result, the total universal digit of cars recalled by Toyot a stand at 9 million vehicles, extrapolative to a price that will go beyond $3 billion USD international. As of February 2010, over 30 lawsuit have been file alongside Toyota concerning accelerator harms. The impact of globalization and international trade on IMC With the globalization of markets, greater foreign competition, and the reduction of barriers to entry, it becomes all the more important to benchmark a companys financial indicators on a worldwide basis. World stock markets have recently witnessed a return to fundamental financial analysis. Globalization brings in new technology. On a selective basis, globalization indeed brings in new technology and opposition to globalization is not tantamount to becoming technologically isolated from the rest of the world. But today, almost no advocate of globalization is calling for selectivity. Importers have a strong financial interest in a globalize economy. But so do exporters dependent on imported parts and machinery. Industrialists with interests in ports, shipping, international warehousing and other aspects of international trade and commerce may also see globalization as beneficial to their sectors of the economy. Social trends and social problems in the UK The automotive industry currently faces huge challenges. The fundamental technological paradigm it relies on, volume production, has become progressively more unprofitable in the face of increasingly segmented niche markets. At the same time it faces increasing regulatory and social pressures to improve both the sustainability of its products and methods of production. The use of more sustainable fuel sources and new types of modular design with built-in recyclables. However, these technologies can only be fully exploited if methods of manufacture change. The book also describes new models of decentralized production, particularly the micro factory retailing (MFR) model, which provide an alternative to volume production and promise to be both more sustainable and more profitable. Patterns of change in social attitudes and their significance for organizations An financial, community, cultural, and emotional-psychological reproductive component that is predictable to serve up, conserve, and raise persons and community and even uphold nation. It is also predictable, through its own strategy, to continue to exist and flourish, cope and conquer, under the best and worst of state of affairs. It is unspecified and predictable by state, civilization, social organizations, and persons to be stable and dependable in the countenance of modify, be it good chance or disaster and complexity. unspecified to be muscular and kind, the flexibility of the relations is frequently taken for decided. In short, it is predictable to be a unwavering, confidential financial and social sanctuary net at all period and beneath all circumstances. In actuality it is certainly often the sole and eventual protection net, both in period of financial enlargement and disaster. The relevancy of business ethics and corporate social responsibility with regards to change The importance of ethics in business is seen all the way into the structural natures of businesses. It is not just a notion that you have; it is in the way a business operates that can show the importance of ethics in your company. The dedication to ethics must come from the highest ranks of the organization. In order to have a principled company, you must have a principled leadership. With the amount of pollution in the world today it is very important for business to be socially responsible in operation. For instance, my company has its own environmental department, which takes care of any environmental issues that may occur in our daily operations Organizational arrangements for supervising ethics and corporate In the procedure of production with the member of staff, the subject was not first and foremost one of principles, other than of two ethical principles in clash, sympathy and apprehension for a beneficiary human being and the principles central response to duplicity. The second govern the consequences because that goodness was matching with the principal ethics of the company concerned with preserving the influence makeup and reliability of the association quite than the individual benefit of the personality in the corporation . managerial behavior towards specific employees might be strong-minded by person decency that is unbreakable by secretarial ethical main beliefs additional anxious with the selfishness of the association than beliefs per se. Relationship between ethics and corporate governance Business ethics and corporate governance have become key factors influencing investment decisions and determining the flows of capital worldwide. In part, this is the result of scandals in both developed and developing countries. However, in a more positive sense, the growing demand for good governance also flows from the lessons learned about how to generate rapid economic growth through market institutions. From this perspective, the emphasis on anti-corruption and good governance is based both in moral standards as well utilitarian considerations of improved market performance. The impact of the increasingly competitive global environment and the needs for innovation, entrepreneurship in organizations All innovation begins with creative ideas . . . We define innovation as the successful implementation of creative ideas within an organization. In this view, creativity by individuals and teams is a starting point for innovation; the first is necessary but not sufficient condition for the second. Booming supervision in the new millennium requires on the rise new method and approaches to outfit the challenge and opportunity of this latest period of globalization. An entrepreneurial move toward is seen by numerous scholars and strategy makers as a main alternative to improve managerial routine in this period. The impression of entrepreneurship is multi-dimensional and moment again vague. different perspective have dissimilar implication for how entrepreneurship is connected to and assist support sustainable development (SD). This initial paper to WREMSD will effort to discover viewpoint from approximately the world on entrepreneurship, administration, and SD. The main goal are to give details diverse perspective on what is destined by the expression entrepreneurship in a universal background and to offer an general idea of SD in next of kin to entrepreneurship. The document argue that it is necessary that investigate and rule improvement completely takes explanation of the cont radictory perspective of entrepreneurship and make unequivocal the exacting viewpoint that they are attractive. No single description of necessity fully capture the idea, but by life form obvious about our sense of the notion and the original assumption, we can development our accepting of entrepreneurship and its associations to SD. Evolution of regulation of business activity The Toyota Industries Group will contribute to compatibility of environmental conservation and economic growth throughout its wide range of business activities, including automobile, industrial equipment, and electronic logistics. The Toyota Industries Group will continue to set challenging targets aimed at further reducing the environmental impact of its business activities, listening carefully to voices of its stakeholders such as customers, and acting in compliance with the letter and spirit of laws and regulations. The Toyota Industries Group will continuously improve its environmental management, placing environmental activities among its highest priorities. The Toyota Industries Group will aim to foster greater communication and teamwork within a wide range of partnerships, including those with customers and suppliers, in order to promote sustainable management of the environment. In addition, the Toyota Industries Group will act as an upstanding corporate citizen, taking an active part in the planning of activities that contribute to various regional communities as well as to our global society Enterprise and corporate concepts At the heart of The Toyota Way is a core belief that our workforce is a critical asset and that all permanent employees should benefit from stable employment. We also believe that our success as a sustainable organization depends on the commitment of employees who understand and work according to The Toyota Way. Employees crossways the industry are empower to think and pick up their behavior in ways that add charge to the selling and get them acknowledgment from their general management. Quality Control Circles or QCC, as it is generally known within the industry, is a motivational implement used by line employees at Toyotas invention vegetation. It is planned to give confidence workers to proactively recognize and respond to harms on the line. Toyota chains long-term employee growth through widespread programmer of universal and practical training courses. It begin at the very initiate of an employees occupation at the corporation with basic preparation about The Toyota Way. preparation courses are obtainable to office staff, as well as recruits in manufacture, retailer and the after sales system. Elements of the implementation process The corporate philosophy, rules set up and attitudes which control the resources usage is the main reason of Toyotas success in the world market. Through its admirable productivity the company has earn its repute in world in a very successful manner. Its basic approach of bettering its products and the way of delivery is customer friendly and driven towards market. Its way of authorizing its manpower is the critical human resource management systematic approach which improves the productivity, the innovation and on going improvement and the engagement of employees which the most likely will result into loyal employees. Where there is more job satisfaction hence for obvious reasons the productivity is precise and desired, in lined with the cost effectiveness. The company possesses a very achieving and profitable workforce in practice thorough out its outlets no matter where in the world. So as its suppliers have benefited from the practices in use where ever they have faced difficulti es. Understand continuous monitoring and improvement techniques Systematic and organized approach is crucial in the implementation, introduction and improvement of project management process which helps to resolve organizational short comings, helps the costs control, improves the shared understanding and more secure outcomes are obtained. With in the motor industry many organizations have decided to involve into software intensive areas and engage into several improvement programs. One of the main issues in such a context is project management for the better way towards success. Gradual approach is presented in this text for the introduction and improvement of project management. The steps are defined which are required to enhance the implementations of project management in software intensive organization and its core projects. The key factors are well been spoken upon success criteria, the ways and tools necessary to achieve better and systematic, global and in practice project management process. Kaizen events have become commonplace at companies that practice lean manufacturing. But these events are only a portion of the complete Kaizen process. Traditionally companies have focused on a project-based path to change. Organizations that work toward a state of constant improvement understand that Kaizen events are a tool that allows them to focus resources and employees on process improvements. By understanding the current process and the future state goals you can implement Kaizen. Creating a corporate culture of continuous improvement will allow you to adapt to a changing marketplace and exceed customer expectations. Establish KPIS and KGIS and scorecard to measure and monitor change within organization Diverse groups usually manage supply chain and logistics for a solitary commerce unit. fairly frequently third party logistic is used for incorporate the a variety of logistic armed forces under one crown. Fierce opposition and increasing client prospect have forced business to go for third party logistics. These collaboration typically achieve over human being vendor, as join up of services underneath one head assure better suppleness, ready efficiency the length of with better client happiness levels and bigger supply chain management, also the most central factor of cheap expenses. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are the full stipulation used to path business objectives. They are distinct within the background of the commerce actions editor and evaluate by Web Sphere Business Monitor. KPIs are shaped base on business goal. A industry objective is an decision-making statement of way in carry of a commercial policy. The industry point is a elevated goal that is experimental, computable, and results-oriented. For industry procedures model, the production objective is translate into a KPI that enable the association to measure some feature of the procedure next to a aim that they describe. Within Web Sphere Business watch, the KPI is compare against genuine results to conclude the level of achievement. A KPI is linked with a exact procedure and is normally represent by a numeric worth. A KPI might have a goal and permissible limits or inferior and higher limits, form a range of presentation that the procedure be supposed to achieve. A KPI can be consideration of as a metric with a objective. An example of a simple KPI is: standard time for answer to a customer question is less than two days. Principles of change and the organizational change process Any business or organization has to change its strategy almost constantly for the sake of competitive in the market with other organization and it is the requirement of todays business. The main factor due to which we need to change our business rapidly is globalization in order to survive. Sometimes technological changes take place on their own but they often they are change or introduced as components of larger strategic changes. Who will be threatened the most by changes is determined by an important aspect of changes technology and it will determine as well. For the success any changes in technology must be matched with the companys overall system or strategy and they should create a management structure to support it. Some companies change through negotiation and rewards to manage to overcome resistance. Other companies resort to handling, or using slight plans such as giving a confrontation organizer a well-known place in the change attempt. A final option is compulsion, which involves punishing people who refuse to accept or using power to ensure their collaboration. Although this method can be helpful when momentum is of the core, it can have lasting unhelpful special effects on the company. Change activities in providing level of assurance with in organization Quality assurance, in its broadest sense, is any action taken to prevent quality problems from occurring. In practice, this means devising systems for carrying out tasks, which directly affect product quality. A simple example of quality assurance is a cooking recipe. A recipe is a system for preparing a particular dish. It describes the ingredients and utensils necessary to prepare the food, the method of cooking it, how to test when it is ready, how to store it, and how to serve it. Cooking to a recipe produces better and more consistent results. And the same applies to using systems in other situations. Systems of various kinds are, of course, already an integral part of all organizations. But in most cases they do not thoroughly address quality as a separate and important issue. This changes when an organization embraces and pursues quality assurance. Quality assurance does not only apply to products. Services, and even non-production activities such as administration and sales, benefit from a quality assurance approach. Implementation of the chance process including resistance of change and practical management aspects Change management is the process, tools and techniques to manage the people-side of busine that will squeeze change as long as they are part of the process ss change to achieve the required business outcome, and to realize that business change effectively within the social infrastructure of the workplace. Market requirement bring evulationary changes in management for good competitor in business today. Now the world is moving in core of employee to empowerment, ownership, and accountability which has changes the automobile industry work force that will squeeze change as long as they are part of the process. Offerings from both the engineering and psychology fields are producing a meeting of thought that is crucial for successful design and accomplishment of business change. In other words, a business must constantly examine its routine, strategy, processes and systems to understand what changes need to be made. Increasing external and internal factors have made this strategy essential for endurance. However, an organization must also appreciate the implication of a new business change on its workers given their culture, values, history and ability for change. It is the front-line employees that ultimately execute on the new day-to-day activities and make the new processes and systems come to life in the business. Conclusion In the end it may conclude that if Indus motor want to survive in this era of Globalization they need to recheck their strategy day by day and they need invention of new ideas or applications for according to market demand. And if they apply the strategies which I recommend or they launch features which I discussed above then they can get more share of the market and compete other companies. They need to do some agreements or strategic alliance with the other companies it may good for

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Judaism is a religion mainly all jews believe in. Judaism comes from a latin based word; Iudaismus. Judaism is a monotheistic religion, monotheistic means a belief in only one god or praiser. Judaism is thought as the relation god established with the children of israel. The jewish holy bible is called a torah, the torah can also be referred to as tanakh or hebrew bible. there are different time periods of the jewish people sadducees and hellenistic judaism during the second temple period,the karaites and sabbateans during the medieval period, and now a days orthodox and reformed jews. Judaism roots start in the middle east during the bronze age. Of all the major world religions, Judaism is considered one of the oldest monotheistic religions. Judaism is a very sacred religion to the jews and is a way of life for many jews. Jews are ethnoreligious group, In 2012, the world population of jew was estimated at about 14 million, or 0.2% of the world population. About 42% of all Jews l ive in israel and about 42% live in the U.S.A and Canada, with most of the remaining jews in Europe,South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. jews are considered jews. Jews are considered jewish if they're born with a jewish mother. American reformed judaism and British Liberal judaism accept the child of any jewish blood from either mom or dad. jews can switch to another religion but in some forms of judaism is no longer considered jews.Jews pray 3 times daily and a 4th time on special occasions, the three prayers are Shacharit,Mincha, and Ma’ariv. these are recite in the morning,before drinking and eating, and after drinking or eating. Jews were a kippah, a rounded skull cap,worn by many Jews while praying, eating, reciting blessings, or studyi... ... Depending on which yeshiva, might either be the person responsible for ensuring attendance and proper conduct, or even supervise the emotional and spiritual welfare of the students and give lectures on Jewish ethics.mashgiach - Supervises manufacturers of kosher food, importers, caterers and restaurants to ensure that the food is kosher. Must be an expert in the laws of kashrut and trained by a rabbi. The three major beliefs in judiasm is 1. All humans were created in the image of God 2. Live by the teachings of the Torah and keep the commandments. 3. Judaism teaches that one day a Messiah, or person of God, will unite the world bringing peace to all of humanity. I talked a lot about connecting think these are the most important because judaism teaches that one will be connected with god and the world shall come to peace and these three would be my top choice

Friday, July 19, 2019

One Hundred Years of Solitude: Relationship between Ursual and Jose Ar

One Hundred Years of Solitude: The Relationship between Ursual and Jose Arcadio Buendia In literature, a central relationship can bond a group, and serve as a measure of the vitality of the society that it bonds. One such monumental relationship is that between Ursual and Jose Arcadio Buendia in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude. In the chosen passage, the author uses imagery, metaphors, and characterization to illustrate their relationship, establishing a preview of their future relationship, harboring its development into the measure of stability of that society. As the passage opens, the reader is immediately made aware of Jose Arcadio Buendia's feelings about the current location of Macondo. He felt trapped in Macondo, away from the advances of modern science, as if evident by his map of "peninsular" Macondo. Unsatisfied without the most modern advances of science, in a fit of rage, Jose Arcadio Buendia drew a map of Macondo, exaggerating their isolation, then proceeded to take responsibility for this isolation. Marquez uses superb imagery, beautifully illustrating this feeling, when he describes the laboratory as a small, closed in space. He illustrates a very frustrated man, struggling against his isolation, working in his small laboratory. This man finally releases some of these pent up feelings and is filled with rage. In fact, as he draws the map, he "punish [es] himself for the absolute lack of sense with which he had chosen the place." As he sat in his isolated laboratory, oblivious to the events occurring in the outside world, Jose Arcadio Buen... ...n them with an inked brush, without reproaching him, but knowing now that he knew (because she had heard him say so in his soft monologues) that the men of the village would not back him up in his undertaking. Only when he began to take down the door of the room did Ursula dare ask him what he was doing, and he answered with a certain bitterness. "Since no one wants to leave, we'll leave all by ourselves." Ursula did not become upset. "We will not leave," she said. "We will stay here, because we have had a son here." "We have still not had a death," he said. "A person does not belong to a place until there is someone dad under the ground." Ursula replied with a soft firmness: "If I have to die for the rest of you to stay here, I will die." Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Harper Perennial: New York, 1991, pages 13-14.

Changes in Ritas Character throughout Educating Rita Essay -- Educati

Changes in Rita's Character throughout Educating Rita With reference to the social context of the play, discuss the ways in which Willy Russell shows the changes in Rita’s character throughout Educating Rita. In the play Educating Rita by Willy Russell there are two main characters, Rita and Frank. Rita is a twenty six year old uneducated hairdresser. She wants a better life for herself; she wants to have an education. She didn’t get a full education at school as she says, ‘See, if I’d started takin’ school seriously, I would have had to become different from me mates, an’ that’s not allowed.† This shows Rita felt she could never take education seriously because it was for the ‘wimps’ and she didn’t want to be different to her friends, and her family didn’t regard education as being important. She goes to the Open University to further her education in English literature. In the Open University there is a professor called Frank, he will be tutoring Rita. Frank has a drinking problem and he also thinks he is a bad teacher. He says, â€Å"Everything I know – and you must listen to this – is that I know absolutely nothing.† He thinks literature and high culture have given him nothing in life to value, that’s why he thinks so poorly of his job. In the play Willy Russell tries to show the ways in which Frank and Rita communicate. When Rita first walks into Frank’s room she is full of questions, she has a lot to say. It seems as though she is full of life. Frank describes Rita, â€Å"Do you know, I think you’re the first breath of fresh air that’s been in this room for years.† Frank likes it that Rita is different from his other students because the things she says come to her naturally. Rita has not been tr... ...ere she is eager to learn, as she says, â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..if you want to change, y’ have to do it from the inside, don’t y? know like I’m doin’.† This shows Rita wants to change. She also goes to summer school in order to learn more; by going to summer school it boosts her self-confidence. Then she moves in with someone called Trish, who she admires and now because she has changed, has a lot in common with her. The things Rita has done, which are to have taken great lengths in getting an education, show how serious she is about her desire to want to change herself. She even separates from her husband for the reason that she chose education instead of him, in an ultimatum her gave her. She has tried so hard to succeed and now that she has, I think that is being realistic. No one handed her an education on a plate, she worked hard for it, I this that is realistic.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Transitions of Women’s Role in the Society

From the beginning of time, females have been considered the inferior sex. They have been given titles such as, â€Å"fragile, delicate, weak†¦ † beings when in fact women have proved that they are certainly equal as men, if not stronger. Child labor is one physical aspect of their strengths that women endure while others constitute taking over the duties of their male counterparts while they fought in the major wars for the country. Yet history hardly gave women credit for their accomplishments in the 19th and early 20th century. When history did give the female sex a voice, it consisted of their participation in the traditional roles cast upon them as wives and then mothers. Outside of this realm, women†s activities were considered unusual or accidental. This was certainly the case with Latin America, a complex, diverse, stratified region composed of many different nations. It seems appropriate at this time to undertake a search of the history of Mexico in order to probe the little known mysteries of the women†s actual role in society. My search will revolve around the regime of Porfirio Diaz, commonly known as the Porfiriato. Women of every class and background were involved in many diverse undertakings during that period. Vivian Vallens in her book, Working Women in Mexico during the Porfiriato depicted this picture well. She discussed the upper and middle class women briefly so that a rounded view of women†s activities can be understood. Her book concentrated around the theme of Mexican women working in the textile and cigar-making factories from 1880 – 1910. She stressed how their traditional roles went through a great transition in response to the rise of industrialism and the labor policies of the Diaz regime. Prior the Industrial Revolution, women played a direct role in the economy and in the development of society. Most of the population lived on large estates or haciendas on which all production took place for each family. Women worked alongside men in the fields or in home enterprises; in addition to their economic contribution, women also undertook the task of bearing and raising a large family. With the Industrial Revolution came many changes in economics, politics, society, and in the role of women. The production of many necessities shifted out of the home and into the factories. Many families moved to urban areas to better their economic status and to become a part of the new society. The government practiced laissez faire (no regulation of the business sector) which allowed the factory owners to abuse their workers to reap great profits. The working class was most affected by the Industrial Revolution. Upper and middle class women found themselves with considerable time on their hands since the new economy assumed the production of many household items. While the upper-class women busied themselves with their looks and entertainment, the middle-class women developed the idea of motherhood as a full-time occupation. These women retreated from their previous roles and public life by totally centering their lives around their husband and children. This change set a pattern of the ideal activities for women being centered around the home and family. Gradually, however, some upper and middle class women found this rather narrow concept of their roles too rigid and restrictive, and they became involved in many activities in order to open educational and occupational opportunities for women. It was the Diaz government and the positivist view that allowed the women to educate themselves and grow both mentally and socially. As Vallens described it, The positivist concepts about education ‘had a profound effect on Mexican women†¦ of the middle sectors,†¦ Juarez and his associates offered women an education and a chance to work outside the home. † They looked to the women of the middle sectors as potential teachers. Yucatan, for example, became one of the first states to make secondary education available to women. As teachers, the Mexican women served not only as agents of literacy, but also as instigators of change and advocates of new ideas. The positivists had originally instituted education to bring conformity; nevertheless, educated women seemed to bring exactly the opposite. The number of women attending both primary and secondary schools steadily increased. Schools for women were established in the Federal District as well as in leading provincial cities. Women began to enter the teaching profession in ever increasing numbers. â€Å"By 1895, 51. 3% of all the teachers were women and by 1910 this figure had raised to 64. 4%. † A select number of women went on to get higher education and became professionals such as lawyers and doctors. Vallens indicated that such women included Maria Asuncion Sandoval de Zarco and Matilda Montoya. They not only tested their traditional role but also pioneered a path for others to follow. The lower-class women of Mexico faced an entirely different type of change in their pattern of living. The lower class women moved to the urban surroundings to better their economic status with their families. Forced to work in the factories to support their families, these women enlarged their circle of association and this helped them become aware of the communality of the problems faced by working women. This shift had a tremendous impact because the urban life had the effect of broadening their scope and developing their militancy. Working class women began to thrust aside their earlier attitudes of passive submission and became involved in group activities and organizations. Vallens portrays their struggle in the textile and cigar-making factories. Their docile attitude in the beginning allowed the factory owners to take advantage of them and abuse their condition terribly. The owners hired women so they can reap more profits by paying them less than men. For example, the Cocolapam textile factory in 1893 employed 90 men, 240 women, and 15 children. Wages varied by factory, by sex, and by age. Conditions under which they worked were horrible and unsanitary. Even more women worked in the cigar-making factories, thus subject to higher percentage of abuse. The Mexican women cigar-makers worked fourteen to fifteen hours per day with each woman searched for factory products before she went home. They too worked in unhygienic atmosphere with low roofs and no ventilation. Originally, upon first arriving from the rural areas, they accepted any salary or condition of work set by the factory owners of both industries without any protest. With time, however, Vallens indicates that their traditional outlook was slowly discarded after the women were exposed to economic self-dependence and the â€Å"spirit of growing militancy among their fellow factory workers. â€Å"(38) They realized that they could challenge and protest many of the owner†s actions. Their concept of their proper role changed and they responded to their pressures by organizing, protesting, and striking. A number of socialists and anarchists helped give leadership to these early organizations. Their political philosophy stressed, among other points, the need for inclusion of women in all levels of activity. For example, Santiago Villanueva – an anarchist – stressed the theme of women†s rights and responsibilities both in Mexican society and within the labor movement. This encouragement allowed women to actively participate in meetings of the labor movement. As a result, women like Carmen Huerta became prominent labor leaders and were elected president of the Congress of workers. Vallens† book was interesting and easy to follow. She clearly stated her point and used hard evidence from her sources to prove that point. Her use of statistics made her point all the more believable and very realistic. What was shocking to me was that she was able to retrieve such statistics and stories of women†s leadership when history gave them a silent voice. Women, of that era, in fact saw the need for organization and so they played a role in such a development as a result of their tragic experiences. Many leaders rose to the occasion and served as an inspiration; they laid the groundwork for working women†s acceptance into more active and public roles. They learned their lesson well – that only through collective action could change be made. Such leadership and action cannot be considered accidental or inconsequential as societies of the past have labeled women heroes. Vallens, through her clear-cut style of writing, showed the reader that women in Mexico did not have a quite voice as history has written. They possessed a loud voice and when they realized they did, they used it! Vallens† theme of the changing role of women and their growing level of consciousness can be best described by Josefina Reyes in La Mujer en el hogar y en la sociedad, Happily we belong to a generation that has the good fortune to conceive the sublime idea of the emancipation of woman, one of the greatest steps that humanity has taken along the broad path of progress. We are now no longer in the error of believing that woman was made only for the home†¦ and†¦ family.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Gender Inequality In India Essay

theorise yourself in the shoes of a person who has been suppress their entire purport. approximate any the laws that were made to protect you realise non been effective one bit. Imagine yourself as a minority in the second largest community in the hu populacekind. Yes, I am talking about the wo custody in India. Why do some wo report force spirited like slaves when the men thrive as the superior race in India Customs, traditions, pastoral beliefs ar some of the answers that advocate antheral superiority in the country. Some of the facts that you occupy a1bout women on the internet ar outrageous. accord to a survey done in 2011 any 42 minutes, an incident of cozy harassment takes place. E truly 43 minutes, a wo while is kidnapped. either 93 minutes, a woman is killed. Every 102 minutes, a component death. Surprised yet? These ar except a hardly a(prenominal) from the thousands of facts. Women be discriminated on a daily basis in the hunting lodge, exertplace and even at substructure trance men on the separate hand exit like the emperors of the friendship.India portrays the chain of mountains of society with men holding the whips, and fetching control. It is as common to find women oppressed in the cities, as much as they can be oppressed in the remote villages. Majority of the women in India live in the fear of raising their voices, for they defend been robbed of their rights and confirm been imprisoned to a world where they atomic number 18 voiceless. Even though forthwiths women argon far to a greater extent modern and independent, they are dummy up pursue by the views and sees of the older generation where women are meant to be ideal housewives who take plow of the family, feed them, maintain them and nothing more, while men are free to steady down their future and choose what they want to be.A woman has equal rights as a man, she can choose the life she wants and the elan she wants to live it. She shouldnt be bowed down(p) with the views of the society or tradition. It is tough to believe that when 82 per cent of the men are workd only 65 per cent of women in India were lucky enough to have had the liberty to attend school. This showsthe ignorance and negligence of the parents who cheat to ensure the education of their girl child. It is not surprising that India has the lowest pass waterforce employment rate from women. You might trust the few women who make their own living postulate a better life, well think again.Only 4 out of both 10 women take part in a corporate office. The work elaboration rate of men in India is near double as that of women. Women continue to be concentrated in tunes with low right and authority levels placing limits on their overall rise to power to income, status and power while men continue to dominate the top positions of the hearty ensuring higher payment and better job security. The numbers of women that hold managerial positions in India are excep tionally low.Multinational companies prefer men to be the face of their disposal to be more appealing to the public. On top of all the work laden and discrimination, women go through a carve up of mental as well as sexual harassments at work. There are constantly challenged by the nature of their work and the environment they are placed to work in. Unlike men the work of a woman does not end remote the doors of the office, she gets back al-Qaeda to take on the next set of mundane tasks.From the very beginning a girl is taught to do the household works while her brothers are treated like kings. Boys of the family have the rights to be out as long as they want and when a girl misses her curfew by a few minutes all hell breaks loose. It is almost like she has no voice of her own, everyone else makes a decision for her. let it be a child or a full grown women, she neer escapes the discrimination. In the modern world where men and women are working members of the family, the wife is still expected to come home at the end of the day and take precaution of the rest of the family and attend to their consumes.She is expected to provide and nurture others with nothing in overstep while the only duty of the man is to earn for the family. Statistics shows that an average woman in India spends almost 10 years of her life in the kitchen while an average man at most would have fagged 4 years. In India physical hollo of Indian women is high ranging from 22-60 percent and the self-annihilation attempts due to violence and torture is shocking. 74.8 percent of women who reported violence have move to commit suicide. What is more surprising is that these statistics are from withinthe four walls of their safe home.Despite the efforts of many women and political assemblage to end discrimination against women, it still goes on. Every now and then a simulate or a rally is conducted to educate the youth the importance of women in the society but the enthusiasm and th e energy of these programs dies away the next day. Women will not have their rights and freedom in the society until at that place is a change in the wit of men. This is the twenty first century, along with the nurture in science and literature we need to develop a society where women are no longer discriminated, a society where women and men hold equal positions at work and at home. We need work towards a future in which every girl gets to define who and what she wants to be. The question, though, how far away is that future?